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Personal Mentoring Services & Training Curriculum

We, at the Wisdom Institute, are committed to serve our clients by applying the best of eastern wisdom and the most practical knowledge of the west through a plethora of customized programs, such as personal mentoring, intuitive readings, healing sessions and a comprehensive training curricula under the Self-Care, Self-Development and Self-Mastery.


- Master Del Pe, Founder and Master Mentor



This personal service is aimed to keep leaders out of trouble and away from health challenges so that they can continue to perform at the top of their games with sustainably high energy. The mentoring, done in a one-on-one format, usually starts with a discovery session to evaluate the health challenge, crises or any personal requirement of the leader. An intuitive reading and psychic scanning are usually performed by our world-class seers and/or Master Del Pe. This service offers 2, 5, 10 or 15 session-packages and even yearly or monthly retainer programs.


The complete Self-Care Service is composed of two-fold delivery as follows:

Personal Healing

  1. Personal healing service: In-person or online for any health condition, life threatening situation, life extension or crises management.

  2. Personal intuitive reading:  Evaluation of your energy-body condition and scanning of your Total Health Quotient (in-person or online). This service also covers the readings of the human auras (3 layers) and the complete chakra system, including specialized scanning of over 16 components.


Self-Care healing specializations cover a big spectrum such as, but not limited to:

  • Depression, anxiety, burnout and sleep issues

  • Multi-addiction, vices and healing their side-effects

  • Pain of all kinds and their karmic origins

  • ADD/ADHD and learning/concentration problems

  • Life-threatening conditions: HIV/AIDS, cancer, etc.

  • Sexual dysfunctions and disorders

  • Perimenopause and hormonal issues

  • Relationship conflicts

  • Diabetes and its side-effects

  • Crises and life challenges of any kind

  • Dark Night of the Soul Syndrome and other psycho-spiritual challenges

  • Longevity and anti-ageing sessions

A well-crafted training program that will equip the leader with self-healing tools and a Self-Care strategy which includes healing meditations and bio-mechanical exercises with breathing science. A course on mastering your vitality and energy medicine is one of the main components of the curriculum with 6 workshops (which are also available online).

Training Curriculum: Online or in a Retreat Setting (optional)


1. LEVEL 1: Courses on Self-Healing Strategies and Meditation

  • JustBEalive: 4 step self-healing techniques applying martial arts-yoga (1.5 hours)

  • JustBEfree: self-healing meditation (1.5 hours)

  • BEwellscience: Healing science course, Basic level (9 hours)


2. LEVEL 2: Courses on Advanced Self-Healing Strategies and Meditation

  • JustBEaligned: 2-step self-empowerment techniques (1.5 hours)

  • Inner Renewal: advanced self-healing meditation (1.5 hours)

  • BEwell science: Intermediate level Healing Course (12 hours)

Personal healing sessions done with a healing specialists and intuitive reader or seer (online, in-person or in a retreat setting at Master Del Pe’s BEinshape centers or MDP Village)

3-Step Easy Process

  1. Fill up the personal intake form online here.

  2. You will be given an appointment date and time to do your free discovery session. In case of an emergency, healing sessions can be booked and done immediately via step one.

  3. Make a decision. If you decide to have a healing session with Master Del Pe or senior healing specialist, you will be given a schedule as soon as possible. 



If you don’t wish to proceed with the Self-Care program’s 1-on-1 healing sessions but may be interested to take the training programs, you can avail the curriculum separately online here. You can also download our e-books, CDs and DVDs on Self-Healing meditation and Martial Arts-Yoga exercises to benefit from these healing tools immediately.




The Wisdom Institute offers a creatively adaptable array of services combining personal mentoring for the leader to achieve a balanced-life path and a training program focused on equipping the leader with new wiser attitudes and advanced life skills. Mentoring sessions can be booked with Master Del Pe himself or his highly trained life mentors and intuitive seers.


This personal mentoring service provides the complete assessment of the 5 key areas of life, namely Family and Home Life, Career and Work Life, Health and Recreational Life, Social Life and Environmental Contribution, and Spiritual Life. The client is made aware that these areas can be successfully bundled into a Life Path to bring complete balance and self-fulfillment. The mentor, along with the Intuitive Seer, identifies the highest potential life purpose or next big step for the leader, and helps them to discover their blind spots in order to work against these pitfalls ahead of time. The mentor will work with the client to chart his or her current Life Chart and audit his or her life expenditure to come up with the best use of the remaining years of his or her life.


The other important aspect of the Self-Development program is equipping the leader with Wisdom Strategies and new life-tools to be able to sustain the positive change and spearhead his or her newfound Balanced-Life Path. The Self-Development curriculum has been employed by Master Del Pe for his leader clients not only to increase their power of decision-making but also their ability to forecast the best timing for execution of their game plans. It develops the wisdom of the clients’ character even for their roles as parents, corporate leaders or social transformers.

Be the best and lead the rest. Become the most sought after ‘leader of leaders’ not only in the market place but also at home. That is a big service you can do with the remaining years of your life. That is a path in itself.

- Master Del Pe

A. Personal Mentoring

  • Balanced-Life Mentoring: In-person or online for balancing the 5 key areas of life and integrating them into one’s life path. This includes unblocking of life’s issues and working against the one’s seeds of failure. The mentor will help chart your current expenditure of life and audit each of your 5 key areas to identify the traps and blockages in your life then a new destiny life chart will be created to mold the best events of the future.

  • Intuitive Reading and forecast chart: Reading on the main problem areas of life and best options ahead.  This also cover the charting of the 7 cycles of life for maintaining your best choices, positioning decisions according to the best timing and creating a new game plan to sustain the most positive changes in your life.


B. Training Curriculum: Online or in a Retreat Setting 

The majority of the Self-Development curriculum is not taught anywhere else. Master Del Pe studied diligently the life of leaders from different cultures, education, religion or financial status through his mentoring and healing sessions internationally. He identified the causes why there is an imbalance in leaders’ life and performance. The training program provides the leaders the missing pieces of the puzzle and how leaders can move from mere success to balance and eventually to self-fulfillment. Original breakthrough concepts and solutions to the blind spots of a leader’s life are included in the Self-Development training.  The training involves the sharpening of new missing aptitudes and honing new wiser attitudes of the leader.  There are 2 levels to engage the client for a few months of mentoring and inner training.

1. Courses on how to balance the 5 Key Areas of Life and transform your success into self-fulfillment

     - Maximizing Performance While Balancing Your Life

     - 8 Key Virtues to Live Your Greatest Life

2. Integrative decision-making and wise forecasting

     - 7 Cycles of Life, Level 1

     - 7 Types of Decision-Making 

3. Public speaking and communications for leaders

     - Leadership Communication Mastery, Level 1

4. Materialization of goals through energy techniques

     -5 Laws of Manifestation and Abundance, Level 1

5. Parenting and family course

     - Quality Parenting for Modern Families

Second Level Curriculum

Advanced courses on Self-Development

1. Advanced integrative decision-making and wise forecasting 

     - 7 Cycles of Life, Level 2

2. Public speaking and communications for leaders

     - Leadership Communication Mastery, Level 2

3. Materialization of goals through energy techniques

     - 5 laws of Manifestation and Abundance, Level 2 

4. Parenting and family courses

     - Sexual Alchemy and Divine Intimacy 

     - Quality Parenting for Advanced-Soul Children

First Level Curriculum






The Wisdom Institute is deeply dedicated to find the right leaders who are ready to make quantum leaps in their development and help them to positively disrupt their ‘life charts’. We want to contribute to the well-being of the planet and the advancement of global consciousness through training leaders who will become the power influencers of our current humanity and the world at large, even beyond our modern times. 


The Self-Mastery program offers a new Enlightened-Life path for leaders who are more advanced in spiritual development or want to accelerate their inner development in order to serve at the highest possible level in this life. The Self-Mastery path is a fast-track training to achieve enlightened leadership in just a few years. The curriculum applied by advanced soul humans to become saints and masters is included in this program. 


The hope of the world today is to accelerate the awakening of leaders into the highest level of spiritual achievement so that this united band of world servers, working for the greater good of humanity, will surpass the power of the Darker Side groups. Aside from cultivating wisdom and conscience in leaders, the intelligentsia and the more awakened humanity will channel goodwill to foster right human relations globally. The training for advancing the leader’s soul through the development of the 5 levels of ascending intelligence is one of the main components of the curriculum. The advanced soul leaders and those who are ready will take the Third Eye Initiation curriculum early on in their training. Esoteric psychology and spiritual science covering a wide and deep penetration of the universal laws will be an integral part of the Self-Mastery Path.


The Self-Mastery program is the more advanced training of leaders and the graduation of the Wisdom Institute’s clients and students because it is in this program that they will be trained to become spiritual initiates and world servers. Through these trained enlightened leaders come the best leaders of the world who will channel a new enlightened vision of a new humanity and a new enlightened world. If you don’t pick up the tab now, your children or children’s children will. It has to be done.

  1. Enlightened-Life Mentoring: In-person or online for spiritual mentoring, wisdom development and awakening the heart of the leader (all levels of Self-Mastery). The mentor also helps to unblock the leader’s karmic issues from the past in order to accelerate the soul awakening.

  2. Personal Intuitive Reading and Charting: Uncovering the client’s status, level of enlightenment and awakening by reading the soul and charting the different spiritual indicators via the auras. This service is also done periodically to monitor the student and calibrate the delivery of the courses.

Training Curriculum: Online or In-person in a Retreat Setting

1. Level 1, Enlightened-Life Seminar Series:

  • The Trinity of Enlightened Leadership (4 hours)

  • Philosophical and Therapeutic Martial Arts-Yoga, Level 1 (4 sessions of 8 hours)

  • 8 Types of Leaders (8 hours)

  • 5 Levels of Ascending Intelligence, Level 1 (5 days+ of 50 hours+)

  • Growing Stronger and Wiser through Change (8 hours)

  • Sexual Alchemy and Divine Intimacy (10 hours)


2. Level 2, Enlightened-Life Seminar Series:

  • Third Eye Initiation Level 1 (5 days/50 hours, plus 6 augmentation lectures and mentoring of 12+ hours over 6 months)

  • Esoteric Psychology 101 (10 hours)

  • Philosophical and Therapeutic Martial Arts-Yoga, Level 2 (4 sessions of 8 hours)

  • 5 Levels of Ascending Intelligence, Level 2 (5 days/50 hours in a retreat setting)


3. Level 3, Enlightened-Life Seminar Series

  • Third Eye Initiation Level 2 (5 days/50 hours, plus 6 augmentation lectures of 12+hours over 6 months)

  • Esoteric Psychology 102 (10 hours)

  • Philosophical and Therapeutic Martial Arts-Yoga, Level 3 (4 sessions of 8 hours)

  • 5 Levels of Ascending Intelligence, Level 3 (5 days/50 hours in a retreat setting)

Personal Mentoring: This engagement needs a minimum of 5 one-hour sessions and preferably 2 times every month after the leader has taken the required courses. How far one would like to go and how fast one wants to achieve enlightenment will determine the intensity and frequency of mentoring and training.



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